Thursday 14 May 2015

Thursday 14th May 2015

Thursday 14th May 2015

No post yesterday - I went to bed early (8pm) with a headache.  I went up for a bit of peace and quiet and ended up waking at about midnight with vice round my temples and my neck not wanting to be moved.  After scurrying around I found some paracetamol and used a kids toy as beaker so I could get some relief.  Which came about half hour later, after I had jammed a deodorant can under my neck and a cold bottle either side of my face, window wide open and a cold breeze over me. When Tommy came into my bed about 7am I felt alot better but i am still a bit fuzzy in the membranes.   

Apart from the headache, yesterday was an interesting day, I got called to pick Nicola up from nursery early as she had had diarrhoea.  Explosive diarrhoea! It had been all up the front, all up the back and running down her legs … they left the shorts for me to decide if i wanted to try and rescue them but the knickers went straight in the bin as they were beyond recovery.  So she got to pick up Louise and Thomas from school with me.  I warned their teachers so if either of them get a bit of a tummy ache they are warned.

Choi was interesting this evening, I took Buddy with us so he could have a walk, we stayed outside the church while they did the session.  He wasn't very happy about being kept outside and wanted to go in and play with the others but he couldn't :( .  I guess we'll both just have to get used to it.  I hope next time we will be able to do some training, but this time we just wandered back and forth and chatted for a bit - he did not enjoy that bit.

Today, as I said before, I was still a bit fuzzy.  I had to go into the city to meet with Mel, my outreach worker from Leeway.  We spoke about me going, OK I spoke about us going, she phoned the 0845 number for me and there were 3 nearby.  2 of them would have been just  a room in a shared place, one was a self contained flat but that was so far away.  I am concerned that I will be alone, so far from family and with no credit I would have no one to talk to.  I am going to get an emergency bag together for each of us and I'm going to store them - along with my important documents folder someone away from the house.  Maybe it would be best kept at my uncles with the supplies I bought to set up home.  I will have to phone him and get him to pick the bags up one evening when Jon is at work so that he doesn't see them going.  I will send the scrapbooks with the bags - those can’t be replaced.

Nicola is home from Nursery until Monday as she has to stay away for 48 hours. I will need to find something to interest her - other than stealing the dogs toys and bones.

I could so go back to sleep right now.

2015 is the year of the sheep, so this year is my year, Sheepish Jules year and I shall be strong.

Tuesday 12 May 2015

May 12 2015

Tuesday 12th May 2015

Kids went to breakfast club as usual on a weekday.  I then had to get back, get washed and dressed ready for Good 2B Me.  Its a course run by the Norfolk County Council and its suppose to help with self esteem and confidence, I  was referred onto the course during a difficult time and the professionals thought that I was lacking in these things.

Today,we discussed our strengths and our hopes and dreams, we did a computer program with someone called Sid which was suppose to be a career guidance thing that told you about your strengths and what sort of job you should go for - or you might like to research.  The confidence booster printout was produced from a which colour do you prefer thing.  Mine said I would be a “good boss” I don’t know if I like the sound of that.


I'm a bit confused by it really because it said I was ambitious but I'm not, I'm happy to be doing the job I'm doing.  I'm wondering a lot about it and if I redid it tomorrow what my results will be.

The second print out we did with Sid was our Personal Profile this was in relation to the statements that were asked …

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I would just like to point out here that I did not get a chance to view this on the computer it was just printed without me reading it (and he got me to date it next week)

With Diana we did an activity called “All about me”.  We went through the headings and listed what we thought were GOOD qualities, we weren't allowed to write anything negative about ourselves this is a session about our STRENGTHS not our weaknesses.

All About Me.png

The last part of today's session was What is precious and special about me.  We highlighted (and circled in my case) the qualities that described us…

Scan_20150512 (3).png

What would you choose to describe yourself? what would you put on your All About Me?

The rest of my day consisted of getting my money from the cash point, I only had £80 because i was stupid at the weekend and I took the money out of the machine then went into the supermarket and paid by card (duh no money in there you just took it all out!).   So when it comes to the end of the month I am going to have some charges to pay!

I also wasted my money on silly things, £4.99 went on sun shades for the car windows, I'm fed up with the kids complaining constantly on sunny days.  I also bought a DAB radio it cost £29.99 but it sounds AMAZING! it will be great in the bedroom where we don't have a radio and as a bonus I can put batteries in it and use it in the bathroom which I used to love being able to do.  Just hope I can stretch the food in the freezer to run until Friday when I can maybe get some money off Jon.

Today's Quote of the Day: Challenges are what makes life interesting, over coming them is what makes life meaningful. (Joshua J Marine)